Mamta Niketan provide ‘A’ home away from home” to the resident students. Motherhood atmosphere is a commitment of management to Mamta Niketanie’s School provide separate air conditioned (AC) Dormitories with attached wash room for boys and girls with hard beds, comfortable mattresses, pillow, Bed-covers, Blankets, individual Bed sheeets, Cupboards. The cold water cooler have been installed in the hostel to wet and cool the thirsty choked throats of boarder’s in summer and Geyser fitted facility has been provide for hot baths in winter. T.V., Radio, Cable, Newspaper, Magazines, Indoor games like Table Tennis, Carom, Chess, Scrabble has been provided for boarders. The students are encouraged to ask question without any hesitation. He can count upon the loving supprt of every resident staff member. Washing, laundry has been facilitated free of cost.
With all these provisions, school feels strongly that students must learn values discipline. It is imperative that the parents and their ward conform to the rules and regulations of the hostel as well as school.
Code of Conduct and Discipline in Hostel
- Parents are permitted to make telephone calls to their wards on Sunday and holidays. However to give resonable opportunity to all, a call should not extend beyond three minutes. Hostel incharge have been authorized to disconnect the line.
- Parents visiting their children in the school shall not enter the boarding house premises without prior approval of the Director Boarding. Boardinig houses are the private abode of the school community & their privacy should not be flouted.
- Parents are advised not to leave an valuable in the possession of children. If done, the school community & their privacy should not be flouted.
- The director boarding can ask the parents to withdraw their child if he feels that the child’s presense has bad influence on others.
- During breaks all parents are required to visit the school and accompany their children home.
- All correspondence to and from the students will be controlled by the director academic.
- The Director Academic shall be happy to met the parents on schedule time. However Parents will not be allowed to meet class teacher without P-T meeet. School will lay special emphasis on regular Parents – Teachers. Parents are allowed to meet teachers every 4th Saturday a P.T. meet from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.
- The student are strictly forbidden from smoking and taking drugs. The school reserves the right to expel a student any time if he/she is found guilty of any such offence.
- The school takes every precaution to ensure safety of children. However the school shall not be held responsible for any injury suffered by the student, his/her damage during games, sports, camping or other school activities.
- No verbal commitment alleged to have been given by any person on behalf of school/managemenet will be accepted as binding on the school. No verbal request made by parents will be accepted. They must give in writing any point the wish to raise or make.
- Parents/Guardians are permitted to meet their wards on every 2nd Saturday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and are allowed to take their ward to home on eveyr 4th Saturday after P-T meet. Entry, exit or meeting will be strictly banned after 6p.m.
- Poket Money will be given to the boarders by the school and will be debited to their accounts. Parents are requested not to give their children any extra money . Extra pocket money for birthday and holiday is permitted but through school office only.
- Outing / Leaving: Parents / Guradian or those authorized by the parents are permitted to take their wards out on the day prescribed by the school.
- Borrowing : No pupil is permitted by buy , sell or exchange good or lend/borrow money in the school campus expect with the specific approval of the Director Boarding, Parents are advise not to send any food packets or other eatables for their children. If food packets are brought or received, the content will be distributed to all students.
6:00 A.M.
Mamta Niketan start his day with a wake up call at 6, after which they wash and change into their morning exercise uniform to get on with the day.
6:15 - 6:45 AM
Morning walk, Exercises of Joga that ensure Mamta Niketanies fitness & freshness
6:45 – 7:00 AM
Morning Milk cup with bakery items
7:00 – 7:45 AM
Mamta Niketanies’s rush to wash room for bathing and changing into their school uniform to get with the day.
8:00 – 8:15 AM
Mamta Niketanie takes a few moments out to remember god jointly with day boarders. He learns more about the school and what’s happening around the campus as the principal and senior students make announcements regarding various aspects of school life, ranging from sports to discipline, that assembly seems to be a new experience every day.
8:15 – 8:45 AM
8:45 – 11:15 AM
Serious classes begin for Mamta Niketanies. As the periods change every 50 minutes, they learn more. The teachers ensure that all students are given enough individual attention so that they are able to grow into fine intellectual world citizens.
11:15 – 11:30 AM
Water break L In this fifteen minute break, students rush to wash rooms for drinking water and refresh them selves.
11:30 – 1:10 PM
Back to class for two shorter sessions of class. After refreshing short break our little Manorities are all gung ho about the next hour of class
1:30 – 2:00 PM
Students rush to the dining hall where they enjou a sumptuous, nutritious lunch with their friends and Teachers. Of courses they attack the food after saying the grace. A Manorite moves on his stomach and the catering department ensure that the Manorite always has a tummy full of healthy food.
2:00 – 5:00 PM
Four periods of post-lunch classes for students in these periods they enjoy supervisory self study and academic discussions.
5:00 PM
Chasses are over and after fresh fruit refreshment the day boarders rush to the school buses for homes and boarders to their dooms for change into their dooms for change into their games kit.
5:00 – 6:00 PM
Mamta Niketanies can now play to hearts content. Soccer cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton, lawn tennis are just few of the games that they can chose to play.
6:00 – 6:30 PM
Refreshing showers for Mamta niketanies
6:30 – 7:00 PM
Evening milk freshmen where Mamta Niketanies enjoy luke warm milk with hot patties or other bakery items.
7:00 – 7:15 PM
Evening Prayer and attendances
7:15 – 9:00 PM
Night studies supervised by resident teachers.
9:00 – 9:30 PM
Nutritious dinner
9:30 – 10:00 PM
News and TV
10:00 PM
Lights off
Ideal of Mamta Niketan
An independent personality in times when independence and women seemed two contradicting
words. The lady of principles, who stood through the times like a tree in a strom,
bending and flexing...
Director Message
We commit meaningful education of prime importance.Real education is what ultimately
remained after one has forgotten all that one has learnt in school and colleges...
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